Things To Know:
- School hours at the Middle School are 8:15AM – 3:05PM. Any student arriving after 8:15 AM is considered tardy.
- All students will be offered breakfast in their classrooms every morning at 8:05AM. Breakfast is not available to students if they arrive to school late, after 8:15AM.
- You may leave a message concerning a student’s absence on the attendance line 24 hours a day. You do not need to wait until school hours to report an absence. The number is 728-4785, option 2. Please send a note to school when a student returns explaining their absence.
- Since the Middle School is a mandatory uniform school, please make sure that your student wears correct uniform items every day. Warnings and consequences will be given for violations of the uniform policy.
- Our positive behavior support motto is still “Be respectful, Be responsible, Be safe”. Students earn “Trojan Bucks” when they demonstrate this motto. Trojan Bucks are redeemed for prizes or privileges. Prizes include things such as, small and large gifts/ toys, ice cream, or other treats. Please contact the office at 728-4785 if you are interested in helping out with this program.
- Parents/Guardians: The following link provides innovative, researched-backed resources - from online safety and cyberbullying to media balance and learning with technology - that can help you and your student(s) harness the power of media and technology in a positive and productive manner.